Synopsis of “The Paradise Of Thorns,” a Drama Thriller Film by GDH


Synopsis of “The Paradise Of Thorns,” a Drama Thriller Film by GDH

Synopsis: “The Paradise Of Thorns” is a drama thriller produced by GDH in collaboration with Jai Studio. The story revolves around a house with a durian orchard that was supposed to be a ‘paradise.’ However, the love between two men is taken away by the law, leading to the beginning of a battle to dig up the ‘thorns’ within themselves to protect and destroy. Starring Jeff Satur and Ingfah Waraha, the film will be released in theaters on August 22nd.

Movie Details – “The Paradise Of Thorns”

  • Title: The Paradise Of Thorns
  • Director: Boss Naruebet Kuno
  • Producer: Wanwaenruedee Phongsitsak
  • Production Companies: GDH, Jai Studio
  • Genre: Drama Thriller
  • Duration: 125 minutes
  • Rating: 15+
  • Release Date: August 22, 2024
  • Starring: Jeff Satur, Ingfah Waraha, Toey Pongsakorn, Keng Harit, Sida Phuapimon

Plot Summary:

When the law turns its back on him, a battle for paradise begins. Thongkham (Jeff Satur) and Sek (Toey Pongsakorn Mettarikanon), a young couple who are orchardists, work together to build a house and grow durians on Sek’s mortgaged land. Thongkham uses all his savings to redeem the land for Sek, and they finally obtain the deed, symbolizing their union. Just as they are about to find happiness, Sek dies in an accident, and the house and orchard legally fall into the hands of Sek’s mother, Mae Saeng (Sida Phuapimon).

Mae Saeng, along with her adopted daughter, Hom (Ingfah Waraha), and Hom’s younger brother Jingna (Keng Harit Buayoi), take possession of the paradise. Thongkham is determined to reclaim every inch of the house, every square foot of the orchard, and every durian he believes he rightfully owns. However, Hom is equally ready to do anything to protect Mae Saeng and their family’s rights. The battle for paradise begins on August 22nd in theaters.


“The Paradise Of Thorns,” a drama thriller, coming to theaters on August 22nd.

“Site to watch The Paradise of Thorns Full Movie, a Thai drama.

Unfortunately, there is currently no information about whether the movie The Paradise of Thorns will be available for streaming on any online platform.”**


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