On Friday, February 24th, ‘Mummies’, a Spanish animated film created by the team behind the first two installments of ‘Tadeo Jones’, arrives in theaters. According to the film’s director, Juan Jesús García Galocha, known as ‘Galo’, it is part of the “explosion” that Spanish animation has experienced in recent years. This growth will result in higher quality products in the long run. The team aims to showcase this with ‘Momias’ and hopes that audiences will appreciate their efforts.
One of the goals of ‘Mummies’ is to bring the public back to cinemas.
“We tried to make a film that reflects current values of diversity and integrity, while presenting things truthfully and without entering into the culture of cancellation,” says Jordi Gasull, producer and screenwriter of the film, about the inclusion of concepts such as equality or multiculturalism. “We wanted to do something that had never been done in Spain. We come from the tradition of Disney princesses, and we have a princess who… ”
While attendance figures at movie theaters are still far from pre-pandemic levels, the data has been improving gradually. Animated family cinema, such as ‘Mummies’, can help bring the public back to theaters, according to Barreira. “It can also act as a draw for other genres and help us rediscover something we have always had and are now losing: the passion to see stories in a different context than our own home, with an immersive experience,” he adds.
To succeed in the competitive world of dubbing, one must value the importance of conveying emotions through voice acting. This is the belief of Óscar Barberán, the talented voice behind Thut in ‘Mummies’, as well as the Spanish dubbing for famous Hollywood actors such as Ben Stiller, Woody from ‘Toy Story’, Ben Affleck, and Tadeo Jones. Despite having worked alongside various performers, including controversial “influencers”, Barberán emphasizes the actor’s role in conveying emotions, whether in a radio spot, an audiobook, or a movie dubbing.