Last week, an interview with Gal Gadot surfaced on the web, in which the actress offered fans hope for her return to the role of Wonder Woman. Nevertheless, there appears to be no immediate plan for a “Wonder Woman 3” movie from DC Studios.
Is Wonder Woman’s return contrary to Gal Gadot’s hopes?
I was invited to a meeting with James Gunn and Peter Safran, the heads of DC Studios. They assured me, “You’re in safe hands. We’re going to develop Wonder Woman 3 with you. We hold you in high regard as Wonder Woman. You have nothing to worry about.” Gadot stated in a recent interview with Flaunt magazine, reaffirming her statements from last week. However, both interviews took place some time ago, making them likely not reflective of the current state of the star’s relationship with the studio.
The knowledge that “Wonder Woman 3” is absent from DC’s immediate plans dates back to January when Gunn and Safran unveiled a roster of projects they are working on. The sole Wonder Woman-related project on this list was the TV series “Paradise Lost,” set to occur on Themyscira before Diana’s birth.
Now, Deadline has officially confirmed that DC Studios has no intention of producing Wonder Woman 3.
“Mission Stone” – Movie Trailer
Gal Gadot will soon grace the thriller “Mission Stone,” set to premiere on the Netflix platform.
Wonder Woman 3 without Patty Jenkins
We’ve been aware since December that Patty Jenkins is not participating in the Wonder Woman 3 venture. However, the director clarified this matter, attributing the film’s uncertain status to the ongoing transitional phase of the DC universe.
When discussions surfaced about the potential discontinuation of Wonder Woman 3, sensationalized news propagated claiming I terminated the project or deserted it. This is not accurate. I didn’t abandon the project; I was open to considering any direction. From my understanding, there was little I could do at the moment to advance the project. Given the current transitional phase of DC, I comprehend that such decisions are incredibly challenging to make right now. Jenkins disclosed.
James Gunn responded to the director’s statement, confirming, “I can affirm that Peter and I exclusively had positive and professional interactions with you.”