The popular RTL dance show “Let’s Dance” began a new season with its grand introductory show on February 17, 2023. However, Oana Nechiti, a professional dancer and audience favorite, announced her departure from the show in 2019 and has not returned since.
Her husband, Erich Klann, who won the title “Dancing Star” with Victoria Swarovski in 2016, participated as a professional dancer for the last time in 2020. Nevertheless, the couple still discusses the events in the dance show on their joint podcast, “Tanz oder nicht.”
Fans of Oana Nechiti have been wondering if she will make a comeback to “Let’s Dance.” However, she recently rejected the possibility of returning to the show in response to a fan’s request on her Instagram channel. The professional dancer stated that she no longer wants to take part in the dance show.
One of the reasons Oana Nechiti left the show was because of her family. Recently, in her podcast, she explained that her family is currently her main priority.
“Today, I was also thinking about what it would be like to participate again. When we were younger, we felt strongly that we had to keep dancing because we hadn’t reached the end of our careers. However, I now feel like I should have done less because I had to give up my son Nicki for many years. I’m glad that with Liam, we have a different experience.”
This statement also cites them to answer the fan question on Instagram:
“After 26 years of dancing, I would like to pursue a different path of development, and most importantly, I would like to lead a family life and never miss a day with Erich and our children,” as stated by Oana Nechiti to Watson.